08026486686 / 9741541834 yoginsclinic@gmail.com “ Beautiful and healthy skin begins with exceptional skin care at Yogin’s clinic ”


What is the cause of pigmentation of the skin?

Increase in melanin, the pigment responsible for dark black – brown tones is the cause of pigmentation. The increase in melanin can be due to sun tan or may be due to various other causes like skin allergies, pimples, hormones induced, obesity, genetic tendencies, vitamin deficiency, birth mark or any other internal illness.

What are the common types of pigmentation?

1. Melasma: symmetrically distributed light to dark brown patches mostly over nose, cheeks and forehead.

2. Freckles: small light brown spots mostly over the sun exposed areas of face, neck, shoulders and hands

What are the preventive measures?

Strict sunprotection (usage of broad rimmed hats, umbrellas, wide brimmed sunglasses, repeated usage of sunscreens with SPF30 or more every 2-3hrly, full sleeved clothes, trousers)

What are the treatments available with us?

Topical creams containing retinoids, hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic acid, tetrahydrocorcumin etc,.
Chemical peels