08026486686 / 9741541834 yoginsclinic@gmail.com “ Beautiful and healthy skin begins with exceptional skin care at Yogin’s clinic ”


What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a general term for the application of tiny rough grains to buff away the surface layer of skin. The tiny grains are either aluminium salt or diamond tips which abrade the outer dear layers of the skin.

Once the outer layers of skin has been removed, the layers of skin beneath increase their production of new skin cells to renew the surface layer.

What are the changes expected after the procedure?

  • It gives fresh appearance to the skin and improvement in the texture of the skin and hence also called skin polishing
  • It reduces the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles.
  • Improves age spots, pigmentation, comedones
  • Reduces pores on face, mild acne scars