08026486686 / 9741541834 yoginsclinic@gmail.com “ Beautiful and healthy skin begins with exceptional skin care at Yogin’s clinic ”

Dermatology and Cosmetology

Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. We provide comprehensive clinical and cosmetic dermatology care. We offer specialized treatment for all clinical/general dermatological problems including disorders of the skin, hair and nail and venereal diseases and also advanced cosmetic dermatology services for management of problems like acne, scars, pigmentation, vitiligo, hair loss/ hair fall, moles, warts, skin tags, corns, calluses, wrinkling and ageing skin.

Our dermatologist Dr Suchetha S Swamy at the Yogin’s clinic has the skills, experience and equipments to perform a wide range of dermatology and cosmetology treatments.

Following are the treatments and facilities available