08026486686 / 9741541834 yoginsclinic@gmail.com “ Beautiful and healthy skin begins with exceptional skin care at Yogin’s clinic ”


What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition that is commonly called pimples which affects an estimated 80-85% of adolescents. It can develop on face, neck, chest, back or shoulders.

What are the causes of acne?

Acne occurs due to blockage of hair follicles by excess oil secretion, dead cells and bacterial overgrowth. Adult acne usually is associated with hormonal imbalance like PCOD.

Does diet have a role in acne?

High glycemic foods such as dairy products are known to exacerbate acne.

What are the treatment options available with us?

  • Topical and oral medications
  • Chemical peels
  • Dermarollers, microdermabrasion, PRP for acne scars

What is the home care advice for acne?

  • Not to scrub the face as it increases irritation, which worsens acne
  • Not to apply oil over scalp
  • To avoid high glycemic food
  • To use prescribed medications regularly