08026486686 / 9741541834 yoginsclinic@gmail.com “ Beautiful and healthy skin begins with exceptional skin care at Yogin’s clinic ”

Chemical Peels

What is chemical peeling?

Chemical peeling is used to improve the skin’s appearance by applying a chemical solution to the skin, causing the top layers of skin to separate and peel off. The new skin is smoother and may be more even in color.

What are the uses of chemical peels?

Treatment of acne, mild scarring due to acne
Reduction of skin discoloration, such as sun spots, age spots, freckles, blemishes
Rejuvenation of ageing skin changes such as fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tones

What are the types of chemical peels we offer?

  • Glycolic acid peels
  • Salicylic acid peels
  • TCA peels
  • Party peels (combination peels)

What to expect during and after a peel?

Slight tingling sensation during peel application with certain peels.
The treatment takes few minutes depending on type of peel.
During the peel, you have the option of leaving the peel on for up to 8-12 hours after the treatment for better results.