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Fungal Infections

What are the common causes of fungal infections?

Dermatophytosis (tinea) infections are fungal infections caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. They tend to grow outwards on skin, producing a ring-like pattern – hence the term ‘ringworm’. They are very common and affect different parts of the body.

How is it caused?

By contact of fomites such as clothing, bedding, hair comb, skin cells etc,.

What are the symptoms of tinea infections?

Itchy lesions which are mostly reddish color and ring shaped.

What are the treatment options for fungal infections?

They can usually be successfully treated but success depends on the site of infection and on compliance with treatment.

In mild infection, topical antifungals are sufficient. In severe cases additional oral antifungals are needed.

How can fungal infections be prevented?

  • Good skin hygiene.
  • Good nail hygiene.
  • Avoiding prolonged wetting or dampness of the skin and feet.
  • Wearing clean, loose-fitting clothes.
  • Strict diabetic control.