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Hair Loss

What is alopecia or hair loss?

Alopecia is the medical word for hair loss. It refers to loss of hair on part or all of the scalp. The hair loss can be temporary or permanent. It can be only on the scalp, or on other parts of the body, too. It can affect people of all ages and both men and women.

What are the causes of alopecia?

Alopecia can have many causes, including genetics, diseases and infections, and improper hair care. Common causes are

  • Heredity or androgenetic alopecia (AGA)
  • Stressful conditions, physical or emotional, such as illness or surgery
  • Prolonged fever
  • Childbirth
  • Hormonal problems, such as thyroid disease
  • Nutritional deficiencies ( such as anemia)
  • Drug treatment for cancer
  • Some prescribed medicines

What are the early feature of alopecia?

Loss of more than 100 hair per day.
Thinning of hair on the crown area (on top of head) or recession of hair line on the sides

What are the treatment options available with us?

Depending on the cause, alopecia is treated by various modalities

Medical treatments such as topical minoxidil, peptides, oral finasteride, vitamins.
PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy
